Dragon Dream

Last night I dreamed I walked the shore.

A dragon slept, red-gold and grand,
Across my path upon the sand.

In fear I trembled, stood in awe,
And hardly dared to breathe, lest I

Should wake him and incur his wrath.

As stealthily I crept on by
Upon the narrow sea-side path,
I tripped and gave a startled cry.

The dragon stirred and raised his head.

Rampant he stood; askance he gazed.

Fire from his nostrils blazed.

His rippling scales pulsed gold and red.

Trembling in terror I bowed low
Before the beast’s magnificence,
Then implored him, eye to eye.

He settled back. He let me by.

His glance conveyed that I could go.

He scorned my insignificance.

Last night I dreamed I walked the shore.

A dragon slept, red-gold and grand,
Across my path upon the sand.

In fear I trembled, stood in awe,
And hardly dared to breathe, lest I

Should wake him and incur his wrath.

As stealthily I crept on by
Upon the narrow sea-side path,
I tripped and gave a startled cry.

The dragon stirred and raised his head.

Rampant he stood; askance he gazed.

Fire from his nostrils blazed.

His rippling scales pulsed gold and red.

Trembling in terror I bowed low
Before the beast’s magnificence,
Then implored him, eye to eye.

He settled back. He let me by.

His glance conveyed that I could go.

He scorned my insignificance.