How do I Love Thee?

How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

I love thee late and soon,
As midnight loves the moon;
At breakfast as I take my coffee on the deck,
At lunch-time when I stop to munch a snack,
Or sipping bitters of an afternoon.

How do I love thee?

I love thee near and far.

Near, my heart leaps wild with joy;
Far, it longs for thee, dear boy,
Longs to be where you are.

How do I love thee?

I love thee in a haze
Of lazy sunny mornings
On my holidays.

How do I love thee?

I love thee in my dreams
At night, and nothing seems
More real than you beside me as I sleep,
And as I watch the morning creep
Around my bed, your golden head
Resting on the pillow by my side,
Your arms flung wide.

How do I love thee?

As noonday loves the sun.
You are the only one.

Though others come and go,
Dearest, you must know
They never can replace
Your gentle angel face.

How do I love thee?

I love thee deep and wide.

Forever by your side
I would be strong,
Though life be long.

How do I love thee?

I love thee night and day,
In every way,
As lover, sister, friend.

Until the end,
Whenever that may be,
I will love thee.