Dreamtime is the now,
And the now goes on forever,
Stretches into bygone past
And reaches to the future.
Black and white and Asian too.
We all belong to Country,
And to Dreamtime – me and you.
Feel it beating in the forest
And under desert sun.

Feel it beating in the mountains,
And where western rivers run.
We all breathe in the Dreamtime
Into our souls, into our minds.
Dreamtime is our thoughts, our spirits.
Dreamtime is and was all time.
Dreamtime holds us all together
Through the eras of the past,
Through the time which will be history
When the present is the past.
The stars that span the deep of heaven,
The white foam of the pounding surf,
Every rock and every mountain,
Sea and forest, sand and turf,
Wake or sleep in Dreamtime sun
Along with us; we are as one.
Atonement means at-one-ment.
Please listen, white men. Understand.
Unite with us now, I beg you,
Come together hand in hand.
You ravished Dreamtime.
Don’t just say you’re sorry.
Be as one with us in Dreamtime.
Admit that you belong to Dreaming,
That Country is a living thing,
Not a possession for exploiting
But the Spirit of this land –
Part of Dreaming, as are black men.
White men are part of Dreaming too.
White men, heed the call of Country.
Come and join your Dreaming brothers.
Do not divide us. Be as one.
Bring all our children home.